1. Fees will be charged for 12 months from April to March. The school fee is to be paid regularly in advance by the 20th of specified month at school counter, otherwise, a fine of ₹50/- will be charged till the end of month. A fine of ₹100/- will be payable if fee is deposited the following month. Thereafter ₹200/- will be payable for default in the payment of per month.
2. Dues will be paid at the school counter between 8:00am to 1:00pm on working days including autumn and summer break.
3. Fee of the school can be paid online in the following school bank account:
ACCOUNT NO. :- 50200031311875
ADDRESS:- HDFC Bank, Railway Road, Hapur
After Paying online fee please confirm your entry and get slip from school counter.
4. School fee is non-refundable.
5. Parents are requested to preserve the fee receipt for any future reference.
6. Admit cards for the Annual/Board Examination will be issued to students only if the school dues are cleared.
7. Fees of May & June will be deposited together up to 20th May.
8. Fees of February & March will be deposited together up to 20th February.